What Iron Level Is Classed as Anemic

Old 11-28-2008, 01:01 PM #1




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what is a dangerously low iron level

Hi. I have microsytosis anisokitosis and something else of my RBC. Only 35 and with too many other health disorders and a iron level of 40.Last april was 68 and September had droped to 40.I cannot take iron supplements or eat fruit and vegis because of IBS and other stomach complications.I am feeling exsausted all the time and depressed.Is it dangerous and do i need a blood transfusion? Please help me.


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Old 11-28-2008, 02:22 PM #2


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Re: what is a dangerously low iron level

Lynete, welcome to the board. Are you currently working with a doctor? Perhaps a hemotologist for iron so low. Yes, you will probably need iron infusions. Are you able to eat meat? Red meat has quite a bit of iron it it if you are unable to eat fruits and veggies. Your only option if you're unable to take iron is infusions. Talk with your doc about your options because there is no reason for you to feel this bad.

Old 11-28-2008, 03:37 PM #3


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Re: what is a dangerously low iron level

Lynete--Welcome!! Steph gave you some excellent pointers. And, I do believe that this is the fastest was to absorb iron. Can you post your labs? A Hgb at 7 and under would require a blood transfusion and IV iron later if you cannot take oral supplements. Are you sure that you can't take them? We thought that I couldn't take them either, but after a hard long road I was able to tolerate a certain kind made for people with problems and GI issues. A GI doc would know this and help you. Maybe IV and transfusion is the only way to go for you thenyou would need a Hematologist. If you can post your labs and mabe we can be of further help. Sorry that you are feeling so bad. Please get some help right away!! FLFLFOWERGIRL

Old 11-28-2008, 11:46 PM #4




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Re: what is a dangerously low iron level


Originally Posted by StephRabin View Post

Lynete, welcome to the board. Are you currently working with a doctor? Perhaps a hemotologist for iron so low. Yes, you will probably need iron infusions. Are you able to eat meat? Red meat has quite a bit of iron it it if you are unable to eat fruits and veggies. Your only option if you're unable to take iron is infusions. Talk with your doc about your options because there is no reason for you to feel this bad.

Old 11-28-2008, 11:49 PM #5




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Originally Posted by StephRabin View Post

Lynete, welcome to the board. Are you currently working with a doctor? Perhaps a hemotologist for iron so low. Yes, you will probably need iron infusions. Are you able to eat meat? Red meat has quite a bit of iron it it if you are unable to eat fruits and veggies. Your only option if you're unable to take iron is infusions. Talk with your doc about your options because there is no reason for you to feel this bad.

Thanks for your prompt answer.I will be posting all my lab tests later today.I will gather them later, as i am extremely tired at this moment. Just got up to get my hubby ready for work and will go back to sleep for a few hours

Old 11-28-2008, 11:58 PM #6




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Re: what is a dangerously low iron level

Hi. Thanks for the prompts reply. I will be posting my latest lab tests later today. I just got up to get my hubby off to work and am going to sleep for a little again.I will gather them and may be you can be even more helpful with more details about my health.Thanks all for replying.I realy appreciate it.

Old 11-29-2008, 05:52 AM #7




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Re: what is a dangerously low iron level


Originally Posted by FLFLOWERGIRL View Post

Lynete--Welcome!! Steph gave you some excellent pointers. And, I do believe that this is the fastest was to absorb iron. Can you post your labs? A Hgb at 7 and under would require a blood transfusion and IV iron later if you cannot take oral supplements. Are you sure that you can't take them? We thought that I couldn't take them either, but after a hard long road I was able to tolerate a certain kind made for people with problems and GI issues. A GI doc would know this and help you. Maybe IV and transfusion is the only way to go for you thenyou would need a Hematologist. If you can post your labs and mabe we can be of further help. Sorry that you are feeling so bad. Please get some help right away!! FLFLFOWERGIRL

Old 11-29-2008, 06:31 AM #8




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Re: what is a dangerously low iron level

Hi again.My RBC have hypochromia, anisocytosis, and microcytosis. My cholesterol was in April 222 with lab ref. range prefirably less than 200 and in September shott up to 248 and good cholesterol from 146 to 167 with reference range preferably lower than 130.The ratio HDL /LDL-Risk Factor shott up from 4.4 to 5 with ref range 7 the most dangerous and 5 extremely increased danger.My blood presure was ditacted high 14/10 on a permanent basis from the shock of my mom almost dying 14 months ago and all the stress of dealing with it all on my own.My stomach has an ulser, mild duodenitis,a sliding hiatal hernia associated by mild distal oesophagitis, and as been born without a gal blader the bile is continuesly in the stomach causing gastritis as well.I have never had a period in my life so i take Femoston HRT meaning i have premature ovarian failurer. I have bulging and herniated discs in my spine and degenerative arthritis of my vertebrae where the neck starts and i am on the border for osteoporosis which i check every 2 years.I am 95kgs and need to go down to 70kgs at leest.My iron was 68 in September and shott down to 40 with reference starting range 60, TIBC 281 with ref 220-430,TRIG 157 in September with ref. range 50-150.I take for depretion seroxat and xanax to be able to sleep.For my stomach i take Pariet tablets.Femoston for artificial monthly periods, 1/2 tablet for my blood presure.I think that's all. I am expecting my period now and it is late, which makes it very frustrating because it's delay will cause me more pain and i cannot take any NSAIDS of any sort because of my stomach.My diet is very limited because I have IBS as well the diaria kind, i love sweet things and coffee and cannot touch any of them. I feel like a walking time bomb.I am so depressed although i shoot be happy because i got married in August of this year, but with all this and a mother of 70 in an old age home suffering with Hip.c (i have been checked and i am clear) and alshaimer's and working a full time job and keeping the house makes me just wont to sit down and cry.My hubby love's me so much words cannot describe it and i feel so guilty that i cannot do the things i need to and want to just like other women of my age.It is not fair.Please help me

Old 11-29-2008, 04:31 PM #9


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Re: what is a dangerously low iron level


Originally Posted by Lynete View Post

Hi again.My RBC have hypochromia, anisocytosis, and microcytosis. My cholesterol was in April 222 with lab ref. range prefirably less than 200 and in September shott up to 248 and good cholesterol from 146 to 167 with reference range preferably lower than 130.The ratio HDL /LDL-Risk Factor shott up from 4.4 to 5 with ref range 7 the most dangerous and 5 extremely increased danger.My blood presure was ditacted high 14/10 on a permanent basis from the shock of my mom almost dying 14 months ago and all the stress of dealing with it all on my own.My stomach has an ulser, mild duodenitis,a sliding hiatal hernia associated by mild distal oesophagitis, and as been born without a gal blader the bile is continuesly in the stomach causing gastritis as well.I have never had a period in my life so i take Femoston HRT meaning i have premature ovarian failurer. I have bulging and herniated discs in my spine and degenerative arthritis of my vertebrae where the neck starts and i am on the border for osteoporosis which i check every 2 years.I am 95kgs and need to go down to 70kgs at leest.My iron was 68 in September and shott down to 40 with reference starting range 60, TIBC 281 with ref 220-430,TRIG 157 in September with ref. range 50-150.I take for depretion seroxat and xanax to be able to sleep.For my stomach i take Pariet tablets.Femoston for artificial monthly periods, 1/2 tablet for my blood presure.I think that's all. I am expecting my period now and it is late, which makes it very frustrating because it's delay will cause me more pain and i cannot take any NSAIDS of any sort because of my stomach.My diet is very limited because I have IBS as well the diaria kind, i love sweet things and coffee and cannot touch any of them. I feel like a walking time bomb.I am so depressed although i shoot be happy because i got married in August of this year, but with all this and a mother of 70 in an old age home suffering with Hip.c (i have been checked and i am clear) and alshaimer's and working a full time job and keeping the house makes me just wont to sit down and cry.My hubby love's me so much words cannot describe it and i feel so guilty that i cannot do the things i need to and want to just like other women of my age.It is not fair.Please help me

Sorry that you are feeling so unwell
There has been some excellent advise given with re your anemia and i know it can make you feel like crap for certain and cause so many other problems....
I would like to chime in here because i feel this is really imortant to you.....

Do you know if youhave ever been tested for B12 & Folate & vit D
You seem to have a lot of tummy problems have you had these since you were very young?
taking pariet and some meds will cause problems with the gut making the absorption of these Vitamins and Iron affected as they are utilized by the gut...
I was told at one point I had IBS and many other things as well until they found I had celiac disease which means you can not eat gluten it cause a lot ofthe deficiencies mentioned including iron.....If you have had this since you were young it can mess up the hormones too........
Taking Pariet puts you at high risk of B12 deficiency too......
I took this at one piont just for 2 weeks as I had such terrible digestive problems but then I was diagnosed with the B12 def then the celaic (although it was suspected by some health carers mainly a natropath that I had this I denied it so many time going on the diet then of it what a mess then I finally accepted it)......
It is something else that would go along with your anemia and other health problems...........

I wish you all the best in getting well you are lucky you have a huby who loves you it really helps doesnt it........


Old 11-30-2008, 10:01 AM #10


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Re: what is a dangerously low iron level

Lynete--Regarding anemia; when your H & H and RBC count go below range you are considered anemic. Ferritin stores are more telling of iron stats in the bone marrow and organs. If your iron serum is dropping below range you will probably need iron replacement and should work with your doctor to find one that is right for you with consideration of your total health conditions. You will not feel better until you begin to fix this and also find a reason for this to be happening. I know that it is hard, but this is the only way to feel better. One good doctor such as an Internist may be able to help you with this because they need to look at the whole picture not just one issue at a time without taking into consideration the other issues at hand which may be related to the cause. I know when you have multiple things it becomes a daunting task, but you have to try to make the best out of it. I would approach one or two things at a time and see what progress you can make. Also, it sounds like a good GI doc may also be able to help you. If you are not making the right progress by all means go back until you do. Best of luck to you. Keep us posted. FLFLOWERGIRL

Last edited by FLFLOWERGIRL; 11-30-2008 at 10:10 AM.

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What Iron Level Is Classed as Anemic

Source: https://www.healthboards.com/boards/anemia/652590-what-dangerously-low-iron-level.html

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