French Royal Family Tree After Mary and Francis

King of France from 1559 to 1560

Rex of France

Francis II

Portrait past François Clouet

King of France


Reign 10 July 1559 – 5 Dec 1560
Coronation 21 September 1559
Predecessor Henry II
Successor Charles IX
King consort of Scotland
Tenure 24 April 1558 – 5 December 1560
Built-in 19 January 1544
Château de Fontainebleau, France
Died 5 December 1560(1560-12-05) (aged 16)
Hôtel Groslot, Orléans, French republic
Burying 23 December 1560

Basilica of St Denis, France


Mary, Queen of Scots

(one thousand. )

House Valois-Angoulême
Begetter Henry Two of France
Mother Catherine de' Medici
Religion Roman Catholicism
Signature Francis II's signature

Francis II (French: François II; 19 Jan 1544 – 5 December 1560) was Rex of France from 1559 to 1560. He was also King consort of Scotland as a result of his union to Mary, Queen of Scots, from 1558 until his death in 1560.

He ascended the throne of France at historic period 15 afterwards the adventitious decease of his male parent, Henry Two, in 1559. His short reign was dominated by the first stirrings of the French Wars of Religion.

Although the royal age of majority was 14, his mother, Catherine de' Medici, entrusted the reins of government to his wife Mary's uncles from the Business firm of Guise, staunch supporters of the Catholic cause. They were unable to help Catholics in Scotland confronting the progressing Scottish Reformation, however, and the Auld Alliance was dissolved.

Francis was succeeded by two of his brothers in plough, both of whom were also unable to reduce tensions between Protestants and Catholics.

Childhood and education (1544–1559) [edit]

Francis was born 11 years later on his parents' wedding. The long delay in producing an heir may take been due to his father's repudiation of his mother in favour of his mistress Diane de Poitiers,[1] but this repudiation was mitigated by Diane's insistence that Henry spend his nights with Catherine.[i] Francis was at first raised at the Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye. He was baptised on 10 February 1544 at the Chapelle des Trinitaires in Fontainebleau. His godparents were Francis I (who knighted him during the ceremony), Pope Paul III, and his great-aunt Marguerite de Navarre. He became governor of Languedoc in 1546 and Dauphin of French republic in 1547, when his grandfather Francis I died.

Francis's governor and governess were Jean d'Humières and Françoise d'Humières, and his tutor was Pierre Danès, a Greek scholar originally from Naples. He learned dancing from Virgilio Bracesco and fencing from Hector of Mantua.

King Henry II, his male parent, arranged a remarkable betrothal for his son to Mary, Queen of Scots, in the Châtillon agreement of 27 January 1548, when Francis was merely four years old. Mary had been crowned Queen of Scotland in Stirling Castle on 9 September 1543 at the historic period of nine months following the decease of her father James V. Mary was a granddaughter of Claude, Knuckles of Guise, a very influential figure at the courtroom of France. Once the marriage agreement was formally ratified, the six-year-old Mary was sent to France to be raised at court until the union. She was tall for her age and eloquent, and Francis was unusually curt and stuttered. Henry Two said, "from the very first mean solar day they met, my son and she got on as well together equally if they had known each other for a long time".[two]

On 24 April 1558, Francis and Mary married in Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. It was a union that could have given the future kings of French republic the throne of Scotland and too a claim to the throne of England through Mary'southward great-grandpa, King Henry Vii of England. As a result of the wedlock, Francis became Male monarch Consort in Scotland until his expiry. The matrimony produced no children, and may never even accept been consummated, possibly due to Francis'due south illnesses or undescended testicles.[3]

Becoming king [edit]

A piddling over a twelvemonth afterward his marriage, on 10 July 1559, Francis became king at age 15 upon the death of Henry II, who had been killed in a jousting blow. On 21 September 1559, Francis Ii was crowned male monarch in Reims by his uncle Charles, Cardinal of Lorraine. The crown was so heavy that nobles had to hold it in place for him.[4] The courtroom then moved to the Loire Valley, where the Château de Blois and the surrounding forests were the new rex'due south domicile. Francis II took the sun for his keepsake and for his mottoes Spectanda fides (This is how religion should be respected) and Lumen rectis (Light for the righteous).

Coinage under Francis II, with the bust of his father Henri II

According to French law, Francis was an adult who did non need a regent[5] but since he was young, inexperienced, and in fragile wellness, he delegated his ability to his married woman'south uncles from the noble House of Guise: Francis, Knuckles of Guise, and Charles, Primal of Lorraine. His mother, Catherine de' Medici, agreed to this delegation. On the first mean solar day of his reign, Francis II instructed his iv ministers to take orders from his female parent, but since she was nonetheless in mourning for her married man, she directed them to the House of Guise.[vi]

The two eldest brothers of the House of Guise had already had major roles in the reign of Henry Two. Francis, Knuckles of Guise, was one of the near famous armed forces commanders in the royal regular army, and the Cardinal of Lorraine had participated in the nigh important negotiations and matters of the kingdom. Later Francis II ascended the throne, the two brothers separate the custody of the kingdom: Knuckles Francis became caput of the ground forces and Charles the head of finance, justice, and affairs.[7]

The rise of the House of Guise worked to the detriment of its onetime rival, Anne de Montmorency, Constable of France. At the new king's proffer, he left the court for his estates to get some residual. Diane de Poitiers, the mistress of the previous king, was asked not to appear at court. Her protégé Jean Bertrand had to give up his title Keeper of the Seals of France to chancellor François Olivier, whom Diane had removed from this position a few years earlier. It was a palace revolution.

The transition has been described as brutal, but while information technology no doubt caused the Constable considerable frustration, there were no confrontations or reprisals. Montmorency remained tied to power. As soon every bit the day afterward the expiry of the male monarch, he was present at the council meeting and was also at the coronation. Afterward he supported the repression of the Amboise conspiracy of 1560, notably by going to the Parlement to communicate to its members the measures taken by the king. In July 1560 he came dorsum to court and to the council, although in a much less flamboyant way than earlier.[8] The Guises were now the new masters of the court. The king granted them numerous favours and privileges,[ix] [10] one of the nearly meaning being the title of Grand Chief of France, a championship until then held by the son of the Lawman, François de Montmorency.

Reign (1559–1560) [edit]

Domestic policy [edit]

Cosmic-Protestant religious strife [edit]

The reign of Francis II was dominated by religious crunch. His unpopular and repressive policy toward Protestantism motivated the Amboise conspiracy, in which certain Protestant leaders attempted a putsch against the king and the House of Guise. Due to growing discontent, the government tried conciliation. Under the influence of Catherine de' Medici, it started a dialogue with the proponents of this relatively new motility, while remaining implacable towards agitators. Until the end of his reign, the French kingdom was paralysed past local revolts. He reacted by becoming more authoritarian.

Unpopularity of the Guise government [edit]

From the commencement of their regency, the Guises faced deep discontent throughout the kingdom. The opposition was led by two Princes of the Claret who contested their power and their decisions equally rulers.

The Guises were seen by many equally lacking legitimacy. To their adversaries, they were merely ambitious foreigners from Lorraine. Their father Claude, Knuckles of Guise, was the son of René II, Duke of Lorraine, who had been accorded French citizenship past King Francis I, his military companion.[10] The main criticism against the Guises was that they were taking advantage of the male monarch's youth to wield ability arbitrarily. An opposition movement led by the Prince of the Claret Antoine of Navarre, King of Navarre, contested their power. Some theorists, such as François Hotman, believed that the constabulary entitled the latter to be the rex'south senior adviser since he was a descendant of Louis 9 of France and thus an heir to the throne if the House of Valois then in ability disappeared. All the same, Antoine failed to prevail against the Guises when he came to court.

The political decisions of the regime were as well contested. The Guises faced a disastrous fiscal situation. Afterwards decades of wars against the Firm of Habsburg, the public debt stood at 48 million livres, while the king had only 12 one thousand thousand livres in annual income. The Guises implemented a policy of austerity intended to improve the country'due south fiscal situation, but this contributed mightily to their unpopularity.[xi] They besides delayed paying military personnel, the rex'due south officials, and court suppliers. They reduced the size of the army, and many soldiers became unemployed. Frustrations mounted at court, every bit the cutbacks spared the regiments under the control of the Guises and their friends.

In religion, the Guises increased the repression of Protestantism started by King Henry II. The autumn of 1559 saw a moving ridge of house searches, arrests, and asset forfeitures.[12] On 23 December 1559, the counsellor-clerk Anne du Bourg, magistrate at the Parlement of Paris, which had contested the repression, was publicly executed in Paris at the Place de Grève.

Amboise conspiracy [edit]

The execution of the conspirators. Engraving by Jacques Tortorel and Jean Perrissin, 1569–1570

Determined to stop the persecution and take Protestantism officially recognised, a group of noblemen planned the Amboise conspiracy to overthrow the government and give power to the Princes of the Blood, who supported the new faith. The conspirators planned to have over the palace with the assist of the majestic guard, abduct the king, then eliminate the Guises if they offered any resistance. A substantial external military deployment was intended to secure the operation.[xiii] The conspirators also nearly likely had the secret support of Louis, Prince of Condé, the ambitious younger brother of Rex Antoine of Navarre.

During February 1560, the court received multiple warnings near the conspiracy. Due to that threat, the royal council decided, under the influence of Queen Catherine de' Medici, to make some concessions. On eight March 1560, the king signed an edict granting general amnesty to Protestants.[14] But it was as well belatedly; the conspiracy was already under style. From all parts of the kingdom, troops were on their way to the Château d'Amboise, where the court was in residence. In the cities of Tours and Orléans, they received money and weapons from the conspirators.

The poorly organised conspiracy ended in a bloodbath. Its outcome was determined as early every bit fifteen March when Jacques, Knuckles of Nemours, arrested some of the primary conspirators. Over the following days disorientated troops, generally peasants, were arrested i by i in and around the wood of Amboise. The king was at first inclined to leniency. He freed them and ordered them to return to their homes. But on 17 March, two hundred men tried to storm ane of the metropolis gates at the foot of the castle. Quickly repelled by the Duke of Guise, these rebels were unmercifully pursued. More than a hundred were executed, some even hanged from the ramparts of the castle. The retaliation continued for several weeks, and about twelve hundred people died.

The Guises were less certain how to handle the Prince of Condé. He had arrived at court during the uprising and helped to defend the castle. Interrogation of prisoners clearly placed him as the conspiracy'southward beneficiary, but the word of commoners did not count against that of a Prince of the Blood. Irrefutable written proof was needed to accuse him. Since he was still gratuitous, Condé left the court to meet his blood brother Antoine in the south-due west.[15]

Conciliation policy [edit]

Portrait of Catherine de' Médici

The outburst of violence caused by the Amboise conspiracy made the court determine that persecuting Protestants only fabricated the religious crisis worse. Under the influence of Catherine de' Médici and the members of the royal council, the government tried to ease tensions with a policy of conciliation.[16]

Charity towards peaceful Protestants became policy. Public assemblies were still prohibited, but the government released all non armed religious prisoners. This was the kickoff easing of religious persecution since Henry II'due south reign.[17] The Edict of Romorantin in May 1560 finer abolished the death sentence for heresy.[18]

In Apr 1560, the Queen Mother had Michel de l'Hôpital named Lord Chancellor of France. The government was then dominated by "averagers", humanists convinced that reconciliation among Christians was possible, based on reciprocal concessions.[19] Charles, Cardinal of Lorraine, was himself open to church reform. An ecumenical council for the church of French republic was officially proposed: instead of gaining the consent of Pope Pius IV, the cardinal and the Queen Mother chosen for a general quango in which Christians of all opinions and from all over Europe would meet to reform the religion. The Pope opposed this. Even though they did not desire to dissever from Rome, the Pope'south opposition led them to threaten a national council if he did not hold.[20]

To mitigate criticism of the male monarch based on his youth, the government tried to win him approval by communicating his decisions themselves. A gathering of the Estates General was suggested, but, fearing that they would exist evicted due to their unpopularity, the Guises strongly opposed this. Under pressure level from the Queen Female parent, the Guises agreed to consult with the notables: this led to a meeting of the Assembly of Notables at Fontainebleau from 21 to 26 Baronial. The Princes of the Claret and the Lawman were asked to nourish and to resume their roles in the male monarch's council.[21] During this assembly, the Admiral of Coligny, time to come head of the Protestants, had a petition from Norman Protestants read before an amazed court that asked for liberty of religion. The associates closed by convening the Estates General which was intended to be hosted at Meaux before a location modify to Orléans.[22]

Highly critical of the Pope, the Associates of Notables also decided to gather France's bishops to obtain their consent for a national council. Afraid to see gallicanism slip out of his control, the Pope eventually agreed to a full general council, merely rejected the omnipresence of any Protestant, as demanded by the French government.[23] This determination led to the reopening of the Quango of Trent.

Countryside revolt [edit]

The government's conciliation policy was intended to ease tensions, but had the contrary event. Encouraged by the regime'southward leniency, Protestants continued to congregate for religious services. Although law officials intervened to disperse them and to imprison the organizers, the growing numbers of participants, which sometimes exceeded a thousand, made it incommunicable to attain this for lack of resources. Some were even won over to the new religion. In some places Protestants challenged royal authority with riots and armed rebellions. The unrest that had started sporadically during the Amboise conspiracy spread over the summer throughout the kingdom. The master areas of opposition spanned a crescent-shaped territory from Anjou to Dauphiné and included the regions of Poitou, Guyenne, Périgord, Languedoc, and Provence.

Many rioters had the back up of local notables. Motivated past trigger-happy propaganda confronting the Guises, and seeking revenge for the stamping out of the Amboise conspiracy, the boldest attacked castles, jails, and churches. During the spring of 1560, the kingdom experienced the first major events of iconoclasm in Provence.[24] During the summertime, the ceremonious disobedience motion gained intensity; several cities in southern France were in revolt.[25] [26]

With the secret support of the ii Princes of the Blood, Condé and Navarre, a political-military organization gradually adult. Protestants elected local leaders, raised money, bought weapons, and formed militias. Armed gangs from Languedoc went to Provence and Dauphiné, which Paul de Mouvans and Charles de Montbrun were trying respectively to enlist into the insurrection. The climax came during the nighttime of 4 and 5 September, when Protestant militias tried to take over Lyon.

The king's reaction was fierce and determined: he mobilised his troops, sent the ground forces to the rioting areas, and ordered governors to return to their positions.[27] By autumn, order was slowly restored. Convinced that the Prince of Condé was responsible for the uprising, the king summoned him to court and had him arrested on 31 October 1560.

Foreign policy [edit]

In foreign policy, Francis Ii connected peace efforts Henry 2 had begun with the signing of the Peace of Cateau-Cambrésis in April 1559, which concluded 40 years of war betwixt France and the Habsburg empire. At the expense of its influence in Europe, France continued to restore lands conquered over the previous xl years. In this sense, Francis II's reign began the decline of French influence throughout Europe, to the do good of Spain.[28] [29]

When Henry II died, the restitution of these territories was well nether way. Francis Two, aware of the kingdom's weaknesses, reassured Espana of its intention to fulfill the treaty just signed.[thirty] The Maréchal de Brissac, who displayed some unwillingness to evacuate Piedmont, was asked to modify his behaviour and advance the withdrawal.[31] [32] [33] By the autumn of 1559, France had completely left Savoy, and Piedmont, except for the five locations agreed upon in the Peace of Cateau-Cambrésis. If these were returned to the Duke of Savoy Emmanuel Philibert, Montferrat would be returned to Guglielmo Gonzaga, Knuckles of Mantua. Both were allies of Espana. Finally, Valenza, which Brissac was grumbling almost releasing, was to exist returned to the Castilian Duchy of Milan. On the Spanish side, Rex Philip Two showed some unwillingness to render 4 locations in the northeast of the kingdom equally required by the treaty. Border disputes renewed tensions betwixt the two nations, merely after months of protests Francis II finally obtained these territories.[34] [35]

Along with restitution of territories, the government of Francis Two had to negotiate, pay, or claim compensations for people whose properties were taken or destroyed during the war.[36] [37] It also had to attain an agreement with Kingdom of spain nigh the prisoners of war held by both sides. Many noblemen were yet prisoners and unable to pay their bribe. Mutual soldiers were consigned to use as rowers on the imperial galleys. Fifty-fifty later on a reciprocal release compromise was signed, Spain was non eager to lose its prisoners.[38] [39] [40]

When Francis Two died, France withdrew from Scotland, Brazil, Corsica, Tuscany, Savoy and most of Piedmont.

Loss of Scotland [edit]

With the marriage of Francis 2 and Mary Stuart, the future of Scotland was linked to that of France. A secret clause signed past the queen provided that Scotland would become office of France if the royal couple did non have children.[41] The queen's mother, Marie of Guise, was already regent for Scotland.

Because of French command over their country, a congregation of Scottish lords organised an insurgence and made the regent and her French councils go out the capital, Edinburgh, in May 1559. Having taken refuge at the fortress of Dunbar, Marie of Guise asked France for help. Francis 2 and Mary Stuart sent troops right away. By the terminate of 1559, France had regained control of Scotland.[42]

Nothing seemed to stand up in the way of French control of Scotland apart from English support for the Scottish nobles. Queen Elizabeth I of England was however offended that Francis Ii and Mary Stuart had put on their coat of arms those of England, thus proclaiming Mary'southward claims on the throne of England.[43] In Jan 1560, the English armada blockaded the port of Leith, which French troops had turned into a military base of operations. They were supported by the arrival in April of 6000 soldiers and 3000 horsemen, which began the siege of the city.

Simply equally English troops were not particularly successful, the French troops found themselves in a better strategic position. But the French government'southward poor fiscal situation and internal turmoil in the French kingdom prevented any military reinforcements from being sent.[44] [45] When the Bishop of Valence and Charles de La Rochefoucault, sieur of Randan, sent by the king to negotiate, arrived in Scotland, they were treated virtually like prisoners. With Marie of Guise shut upward in an Edinburgh fortress, the ii men were forced to negotiate a peace that was disadvantageous to France. On 6 July 1560, they signed the Treaty of Edinburgh, which ended French occupation of Scotland. Francis 2 and Mary Stuart had to withdraw French troops and finish displaying England's artillery.

A few weeks later on, Scotland'due south parliament established Protestantism as the state religion. When Francis II and Mary Stuart were presented with the Treaty of Edinburgh, they were outraged and refused to sign it; they besides challenged the legitimacy of the Scottish parliament's conclusion.[46]

Death [edit]

Francis 2 died in Orléans, at the hôtel Groslot.

The king'due south wellness deteriorated in Nov 1560. On 16 Nov he fainted. After only 17 months on the throne, Francis II died on 5 December 1560 in Orléans, Loiret, from an ear condition.[47] Multiple diseases have been suggested, such as mastoiditis, meningitis, or otitis exacerbated into an abscess. Ambroise Paré, the royal surgeon, considered performing a trepanation. Some suspected Protestants of having poisoned the male monarch, a view held by Catholics as the tensions between them and Protestants were on the rise, but this has not been proven.

Francis 2 died childless, and then his younger brother Charles, then 10 years old, succeeded him. On 21 December, the quango named Catherine de Médici Regent of France. The Guises left the court, while Mary Stuart, Francis II's widow, returned to Scotland. Louis, Prince of Condé, who was jailed and awaiting execution, was freed afterwards some negotiations with Catherine de Médici.

On 23 December 1560, Francis II's torso was interred in the Basilica of St Denis by the Prince of La Roche-sur-Yon.

Posterity [edit]

Francis Two had a cursory reign. He became male monarch as an inexperienced teenager, at a time when the kingdom was struggling with religious troubles. Historians agree that Francis II was delicate, both physically and psychologically, and his delicate health led to his early on death.[48] The question of whether his marriage was consummated or not remains unanswered.

Titles and arms [edit]

  • Rex of France (1559–1560)
  • King espoused of Scotland (1558–1560)
  • Knuckles of Brittany (1544)
  • Dauphin of Viennois (1547)

Portrayals [edit]

  • Francis II is one of the chief characters on the CW show Reign. He is portrayed by British actor Toby Regbo.[49]
  • Francis has tended to appear briefly in films about Mary, Queen of Scots.
    • In Mary, Queen of Scots (1971 picture show), he was played by Richard Denning
    • In Mary, Queen of Scots (2013 film), he was played by Sebastian Stragiotti-Axanciuc

Ancestry [edit]

Encounter also [edit]

References [edit]

  1. ^ a b Wellman 2013, p. 200.
  2. ^ Guy (2004), p. 47
  3. ^ Farquhar (2001), p. 81
  4. ^ Guy (2004), p. 102
  5. ^ Jouanna (1998), pp. 52–53, 1067
  6. ^ Meet Romier (1923), pp. 1, 3 and Mariéjol (1979), pp. 94–95
  7. ^ Cuisiat (1998), p. xiv
  8. ^ Romier (1923), pp. 2–3
  9. ^ Cuisiat (1998), p. two
  10. ^ a b Jouanna (1998), p. 53
  11. ^ Romier (1923), p. 6
  12. ^ Jouanna (1998), pp. 62–63
  13. ^ Romier (1923), pp. 86–87
  14. ^ Romier (1923), p. 165
  15. ^ Romier (1923), pp. 121–122
  16. ^ Romier (1923), pp. 143–144
  17. ^ Romier (1923), pp. 167–170
  18. ^ Romier (1923), p. 179
  19. ^ Arlette Jouanna, La France..., pp. 354–357.[ total commendation needed ]
  20. ^ Romier (1923), pp. 256–257
  21. ^ Romier (1923), p. 135
  22. ^ Knecht, Robert (2010). The French Wars of Religion, 1559-1598. Routledge. p. 27. ISBN9781408228197.
  23. ^ Romier (1923), pp. 256–261
  24. ^ Christin (1991), p. 68
  25. ^ See Histoire générale de Languedoc, vol. LIV, 1889
  26. ^ de Ruble (1882), p. 244
  27. ^ See Romier (1923), pp. 233–234
  28. ^ Cloulas (1985), pp. 572–573
  29. ^ See also Romier (1974), p. 345
  30. ^ Romier (1974), pp. 424–429, 437
  31. ^ de Ruble (1889), pp. 34–52
  32. ^ Romier (1974), pp. 436–437
  33. ^ Marchand (1889), p. 457
  34. ^ de Ruble (1882), pp. 215–223
  35. ^ Rahlenbeck (1881), pp. 343–345
  36. ^ Cloulas (1985), p. 579
  37. ^ de Ruble (1882), pp. 203–204
  38. ^ Cloulas (1985), pp. 579–581
  39. ^ de Ruble (1882), p. 214
  40. ^ Also Négociations, lettres et pièces diverses relatives au règne de François II, tirées du portefeuille de Sébastien de fifty'Aubespine, éveque de Limoges, Paris Louis, Paris, imprimerie royale, " Collection de documents inédits sur 50'histoire de France ", 1841, p. 67–68, p. 132–136, p. 243–257, p. 506.
  41. ^ Duchein (1998), p. 207
  42. ^ Jacques-Auguste de Thou, Histoire universelle, tome second, La Haye, 1742 p. 742–746.
  43. ^ Duchein (1985), pp. 576–581
  44. ^ Romier (1923), pp. 93–95
  45. ^ See as well de Ruble (1889), p. 149
  46. ^ Duchein (1998), p. 80
  47. ^ Bryson 1999, p. 109.
  48. ^ Potter, Philip J. (8 March 2012). Monarchs of the Renaissance: The Lives and Reigns of 42 European Kings and Queens. McFarland. ISBN9780786491032.
  49. ^ "CW orders 3 new sci-fi shows". Amusement Weekly's . Retrieved 12 Dec 2016.
  50. ^ a b Anselme (1726), pp. 131–132.
  51. ^ a b c d e f Whale (1914), p. 43.
  52. ^ a b c d Anselme (1726), pp. 210–211.
  53. ^ a b Anselme (1726), pp. 126–128.
  54. ^ a b c d Tomas (2003), p. seven.
  55. ^ a b Anselme (1726), p. 209.
  56. ^ a b Anselme (1726), pp. 207–208.
  57. ^ a b Anselme (1726), pp. 463–465.
  58. ^ a b Tomas (2003), p. twenty.
  59. ^ a b Anselme (1726), p. 324.

Bibliography [edit]

  • Anselme de Sainte-Marie, Père (1726). Histoire généalogique et chronologique de la maison royale de France [Genealogical and chronological history of the royal house of French republic] (in French). Vol. 1 (3rd ed.). Paris: La compagnie des libraires.
  • Bryson, David (1999). Queen Jeanne and the Promised Land: Dynasty, Homeland, Religion and Violence in Sixteenth-Century France. Brill.
  • Christin, Olivier (1991). Une révolution symbolique : 50'iconoclasme huguenot et la reconstruction catholique. Le sens commun. Paris: Éditions de Minuit. ISBN9782707313911.
  • Cloulas, Ivan (1985). Henri 2. Paris: Fayard. ISBN9782213013329.
  • Cuisiat, Daniel, ed. (1998). Lettres du primal Charles de Lorraine (1524–1574). Travaux Humanisme Renaissance. Geneva: Droz. ISBN9782600002639.
  • Duchein, Michel (1998). Histoire de fifty'Écosse. Paris: Fayard. ISBN9782213602288.
  • Duchein, Michel (1985). Élisabeth Ire d'Angleterre. Paris: Fayard. ISBN9782213639659.
  • Farquhar, Michael (2001). A Treasure of Regal Scandals: The Shocking True Stories History'south Wickedest, Weirdest, Well-nigh Wanton Kings, Queens, Tsars, Popes, and Emperors . New York: Penguin Books. ISBN0-7394-2025-9.
  • Guy, John (2004). My Centre is My Own. London: Fourth Estate. ISBN9781841157528.
  • Jouanna, Arlette, ed. (1998). Histoire et dictionnaire des guerres de religion, 1559–1598. Robert Laffont.
  • Marchand, Charles (1889). Charles Ier de Cossé, comte de Brissac et maréchal de France, 1507–1563. Paris: East. Champion.
  • Mariéjol, Jean-Hippolyte (1979) [1920]. Catherine de Médicis. Tallandier.
  • Rahlenbeck, Charles (1881). Metz et Thionville sous Charles-Quint. Paris: Sandoz et Fischbaker.
  • Romier, Lucien (1923). La Agreeableness d'Amboise. L'aurore sanglante de la liberté de censor, le règne et la mort de François II. Paris: Perrin.
  • Romier, Lucien (1974) [1914]. Les origines politiques des guerres de faith. Vol. Ii. Geneva: Slatkine-Megariotis.
  • de Ruble, Alphonse (1882). Antoine de Bourbon et Jeanne d'Albret, suite de Le mariage de Jeanne d'Albret. Vol. ii. Paris: Adolphe Labitte.
  • de Ruble, Alphonse (1889). Le traité de Cateau-Cambrésis (2 et three avril 1559). Paris: Éditions Labitte & Émile-Paul.
  • Tomas, Natalie R. (2003). The Medici Women: Gender and Power in Renaissance Florence. Aldershot, United kingdom: Ashgate. ISBN0-7546-0777-1.
  • Wellman, Kathleen (2013). Queens and Mistresses of Renaissance France. Yale University Press.
  • Whale, Winifred Stephens (1914). The La Trémoille family. Boston, Houghton Mifflin. p. 43.

Francis Two of France

House of Valois, Angoulême branch

Buck branch of the Capetian dynasty

Born: nineteen Jan 1544 Died: five December 1560
Regnal titles
Preceded by

Henry II

King of France
10 July 1559 – 5 December 1560
Succeeded by

Charles Ix

Scottish royalty

Title final held by

Mary of Guise
equally queen espoused
Male monarch consort of Scotland
24 Apr 1558 – 5 Dec 1560

Championship next held by

Henry Stuart
French royalty
Preceded by


Dauphin of France
31 March 1547 – ten July 1559

Title next held by



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